Bhakti Yoga Center

200H Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga Flow | Alignment | Anatomy
The curriculum will teach you how yoga works physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You will learn a signature Bhakti Flow 1 sequence, a powerful and dynamic system that includes asana, pranayama, and meditation. We will intricately breakdown “blueprint postures” and discuss precise alignment/anatomy for each of the poses in the sequence.
You will have plenty of opportunities to practice teaching in pairs, in small groups, and with the entire group. You will find your authentic voice, improve your public speaking skills, and overcome fear.
Yoga Philosophy | Ayurveda | Kirtan
We will dive into the origins and philosophy of yoga by reading from sacred yoga literature such as the Bhagavad Gita and Yoga Sutras. We'll discover the sister science of yoga known as Ayurveda. We'll learn about the chakras and how to identify when they are out of balance, and what you can do to improve alignment. Additionally, we will participate in one of the oldest sacred music traditions called kirtan, give and receive an Ayurvedic massage, face yoga, field trips, and so much more.
One of the most powerful takeaways of yoga teacher training is the community you build and the lifelong friendships you develop along the way. What better way to reintegrate into society and connect with like minds!
Confidence & Competence
By the end of the program, you will feel confident and competent in guiding a one-hour vinyasa flow sequence both in a class setting and as a one-on-one private lesson (online or in-person).
Schedule & Cost
The training begins January 14th, 2024 and ends April 21st, 2024
and will take place over the course of twelve weeks.
There will be a two weeks break.

Exact schedule will be published soon.
The cost is $2200 and individual payment plans are available. Please inquire for more information by emailing or by calling 814-826-9704
200H Yoga Teacher Training
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