Bhakti Yoga Center
Our Prices
Drop In
Unlimited (1 month)

The pass is valid for all group classes and weekly workshops.

No more than 30 classes per 30 days.

$430 savings per month, compared to Drop-In class rate.

Unlimited (3 months)

Accepted for any class or workshop.

No more than 90 classes per 90 days.

$469 savings per month, compared to Drop-In class rate.

Private Yoga Session

This pass allows you to schedule a 60 to 75 min private yoga class with any of our qualified instructors.

10 Visits Private Yoga

Improve your practice and achieve your desired health goals by taking Individual yoga class with any of our qualified instructors. Save by purchasing 10 Visits bundle.

Vedic Society Membership

This pass is available only to PSU students.

Valid for one semester.

This membership will allow you to book any yoga class once a week and participate in “Mantra Meditation & Dinner” session weekly.

12 Visits (3 months)

Valid for all classes and workshops.

10 Days Freeze of your Pass is available upon request.

3 Guest Visits included.

Perfect for those who prefer a steady practice of 3 classes per week.

$126 savings per month, compared to Drop-In class rate.

12 Visits (1 months)

Valid for all classes and workshops.

Perfect for those who prefer a steady practice of 3 classes per week.

$96 savings per month, compared to drop-in class rate.

8 Visits (1 month)

Valid for all classes and workshops.

Perfect for those who prefer a steady practice of 3 classes per week.

$96 savings per month, compared to drop-in class rate.

4 Visits (1 month)

Valid for all classes and workshops.

Perfect for those who prefer a steady practice once a week.

$20 savings per month, compared to Drop-In class rate.

200H Yoga Teacher Training
2 200